Woven Threads
Musings on Fiber

“Helix” Draft

June 4th 2011 in Drafts, Projects

Helix Draft

I am working on making a vest with handwoven panels. I started out making a design specifically for the project — after playing with designs for a bit, I came up with the idea of working from a helix for the basis of my weave.  To the right you can see the draft.  The WIF file is available.  One thing to note is that there are some rather long warp floats.

This shows the long floats in the Helix weave.



In this case, they will be on the inside of the vest, so it isn’t as big an issue as it might be otherwise.  Or so I think, at anyrate.  Time will tell.

I was curious if looking at it from different directions it would appear differently, so I wove a quick sample on my Hokett Loom (I have no relationship with The Weaver’s Loft other than as a customer).  It isn’t in the same colours as the panels will be — the warp is the same, but I used a single colour weft, rather than the hand-dyed weft I’ll use for the main weaving.

This is the Helix sample from the side.




This is a coloured version of the Helix Sampler



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A four-shaft loom makes a great first loom. One could spend a lifetime weaving on it and still not exhaust all possibilities. — Marcy Petrini
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